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AIRBORNE - LIMITED - Medium Dark Roast Blend
  • AIRBORNE - LIMITED - Medium Dark Roast Blend

    Airborne is a classic medium-dark roast and our top seller.

    A double blend of medium roasted Brazilian beans and dark roasted Colombian beans.

    A taste like no other and possibly the best choice if you use a plunger or other filter and drip brew methods.

    A full bodied taste, ideal for milk based coffees like cappucinos, lattes, ice-coffees. Makes a phenominal plunger or filter coffee, which is similar to the Airborne sense of humor - dark, black and bitter. 


      Available in 5 options.

      250gr Beans or Ground coffee.

      1kg Beans or Ground.

      Cafepresso Capsules (Nespresso machine compatible).

      100% pure coffee beans only with no additives or flavourants. A secret combination by one of SA's finest baristas.


      Since we roast on order to ensure you get the freshest coffee possible and take care to execute as per order, we don't expect any problems, but gremlins might sneak in. Returns and refunds will be handled based on the reason for requesting a return or refund.




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